Monday, January 23, 2012

Best Lyrics of ALL TIME!

Everyone has THAT one song that simply changes their day from bad to better. You know the one. It hits you in the face like a Lemon Pie and . . . SPLAT...your mood changes instantly. you have probably figured it out....I am no exception. Anytime I hear this song, it immediately picks my spirits up and I am on my way to giggling through any trial or tribulation that may come along!

Now, since I'm new at this and don't know how to upload music to my blog yet (or, if you can even do that)  I will pain stakingly jot down the lyrics for you. OK...FACE MUSCLES...GET READY TO SMILE.  Oh....and I KNOW you all know this song. Here goes:

Oompa Loompa, do-ba-dee-doo,
I’ve got a perfect puzzle for you. (Singing Along Already, aren't you?)
Oompa Loompa, do-ba-dee-dee,
If you are wise you’ll listen to me.

What do you get when you guzzle down sweets?
Eating as much as an elephant eats.
What are you at getting terribly fat?
What do you think will come of that?

I don't like the look of it.  (<--- My Favorite Line!)

Oompa Loompa do-ba-dee-da,
Given good manners you will go far.
You will live in happiness too,
Like the oompa loompa do-ba-dee-doo.

Told ya!!!! :-D

Exciting News on our Israel Update!

First of all, let me say a heart-felt "Thank You!" for supporting our video adventure to Israel. Myself and Mike Harris of Mike Harris Media went over to Israel for 10 days with a Pastor friend of ours, Phillip Barnett. Phillip has worked with the late archaeologist, Ron Wyatt. We went over to see if we could continue his work in locating the actual cities of Sodom & Gomorrah, along with bringing back proof of actual Brimstone that fell from heaven as Genesis records in the Bible. And guess what?!?! We found it!

But As many of you know, the Israel film documentary on the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah has been a leap of faith. We are now at the crucial point where we are asking for help to complete the mission. We have already placed over 700 volunteer man hours in the project, so finishing would be a great thing!
Therefore, we are using to help get the word out ;-) is an ALL or NOTHING pledge based funding platform via the web. All or nothing means that all pledges will be honored only if our goal is reached within the set time frame. If the project goal is not reached, no pledges are accepted through These are their guidelines for participation.

Your personal touch in spreading the word about this endeavor will help guarantee the success of the project. Please note that we intend to reward you with the same offers you will see for the donations through based on what you have already contributed. Again, I cannot express my sincere gratitude for your generosity. I am hoping for an expansion of participation in the project contributions. You might be interested to know that we had 37 contributions (including the three churches) that funded the trip to Israel and back.

Our world needs to hear the message that “For Such A Time As This” delivers.

Thank you so much for your support. The funding will help us recoup some of the expenses already incurred in the project; from equipment (external drives, tapes, CDs, DVDs, paper supplies, mailings and marketing to man-hours plus narrators, music compositions and promotions).
I encourage you to please share our project with everyone you know, especially those who have a heart for the truth.

. Click Here

Once it launches (Wed the 25th) the link might change but you can see what we are doing before everyone else. You may share the preview link with anyone you feel might be interested.
Also, keep checking back here as well as on the Kickstarter link above for updates!

Thanks again,



Sunday, January 22, 2012

What's A Brother To Do?

"What's A Brother To Do?"
by Bob Papisan

What's a brother to do
when the big bullys come?
They stand tall for the underdog;
a small scuffle is won.

What's a brother to do
when sibling rivalries turned
to respect; to honor;
to a love truly earned.

Your life an example
My courage renewed;
God's presence is tangible,
His purpose in-view.

Your life lived in glory
With battles a-blaze!
You still remain standing!
Your student's amazed.

Through distance of time,
Through distance of miles,
through thick and through thin,
through tests and through trials,

I'll gladly walk with you
As you point out the way.
I treasure our friendship
your brother I'll stay

A true mentor you've been
A friend ever true.
I clearly see now,
What a Brother's to do.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

"...But What Stupendous Good Fortune."

Someone once said, "...All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts." Trust me....I know who said it. I am, after all, an Actor and Director. What Shakespeare NEVER mentioned was, how hard it is to memorize your stinking lines, especially if you are doing one of HIS shows! WHEW.

While memorizing at the age of 21 was as easy as falling off the proverbial the age of 52....well, that is a different tale of two cities. I have the wonderful opportunity of playing the fantastic role of Mr. Paravicini in Agatha Christie’s The Mousetrap. The curtain goes up at the Sapulpa Community Theatre in Sapulpa Oklahoma on Feb 10, 2012. Mr. Paravicini is a very strange Frenchman whom the audience believes is the murderer in the play. He laughs at everything sinister or mysterious; he speaks with a DEEP French accent and he loves to torment as many of the other characters as he possibly can. It's bizarre for me, because I am NONE of these things. HAHAHA! Now's THAT'S Funny!!
I have never been an actor who "counts his lines" but I have a boatload of them and with the French factor tossed's almost more than this ole boy from Oklahoma can handle. The cast itself is comprised of some of the finest and most talented folks I have ever had the pleasure of working with.

Don't get me wrong....If you are in the area...please come and see the production. Just cut this Okie a break while I try to master the French dialect and presume to kill everyone on stage. 'nuff said? ;-)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Things That BURN my Biscuit!! # 001

It's a cool, brisk, clear morning and I am, for once, in a great mood....on my way to work. The windows on my Ford Pick-up are down. The AC is on and I'm sipping hot coffee and jamming to Don Henley and The Eagles.

Now this street that I'm driving on has been 3 lanes wide for at least 8 years. No major changes or detours. But why is it that there ALWAYS seems to be a driver who thinks they are better than me and my American made truck. They, like myself, drive this same road 5 days a week heading into work, like myself.

All of a sudden the peaceful morning is SHATTERED because of Carl/Carol Crowder decides they have to be in the same lane I'm in and cut me off.  Well...of course I lock up the brakes. Of course my tires squeal so loudly everyone looks at me like I'M the idiot. And my piping hot coffee ends up all over the dashboard....of course.

With the morning ruined, I can't help but recall what my Uncle Olaf used to tell me when I was just a young buck. He'd say "Bob....Never trust a Crowder." Then he'd whisper softly so my mother would not hear the next piece of advise being given.  "And if ya get the em down em down!"

It's at this point in my morning drive that I have a HUGE struggle with not running my built Ford Tough vehicle up their skinny little tail pipe!  (breathe Bob...breathe!)

All I want to know, is why have we become so calloused and non-caring about our fellow man that we crowd, push and shove our way in, around and through the lives of our fellow human beings. Show a little consideration my friends. One of these days you might need some shown to you. Uncle Olaf also said, "Bob...ya reap what you sow boy.  Ya reap what you sow." (Not sure...but I think he read that somewhere. ;-) )

Welcome Aboard!

I'm so glad you found your way to my unique Blog! Here is where you will find all of those wonderful things that rattle around in my mind and HERE is where they will be shared.

About Me: Hmmmm....well I enjoy a great many number of things and you will be able to see and read about each one of them. Sometime they may not shall we say....Politically correct....but that's okay. My Uncle Olaf did not take part in the politically correct, AND he ate Bacon with every meal and lived well into his 80s. I begin tossing things out here, I hope you will realize that most of these item I rant or Rave about are mostly for your entertainment. So....please....let me first begin by saying I Apologize. After all, what is that old saying? "It's easier to ask forgiveness, than it is to ask permission". With we go!

Feedback is very important to a Blogger. Please leave any Comments and I will respond to the as quickly as possible.