Thursday, January 19, 2012

"...But What Stupendous Good Fortune."

Someone once said, "...All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts." Trust me....I know who said it. I am, after all, an Actor and Director. What Shakespeare NEVER mentioned was, how hard it is to memorize your stinking lines, especially if you are doing one of HIS shows! WHEW.

While memorizing at the age of 21 was as easy as falling off the proverbial the age of 52....well, that is a different tale of two cities. I have the wonderful opportunity of playing the fantastic role of Mr. Paravicini in Agatha Christie’s The Mousetrap. The curtain goes up at the Sapulpa Community Theatre in Sapulpa Oklahoma on Feb 10, 2012. Mr. Paravicini is a very strange Frenchman whom the audience believes is the murderer in the play. He laughs at everything sinister or mysterious; he speaks with a DEEP French accent and he loves to torment as many of the other characters as he possibly can. It's bizarre for me, because I am NONE of these things. HAHAHA! Now's THAT'S Funny!!
I have never been an actor who "counts his lines" but I have a boatload of them and with the French factor tossed's almost more than this ole boy from Oklahoma can handle. The cast itself is comprised of some of the finest and most talented folks I have ever had the pleasure of working with.

Don't get me wrong....If you are in the area...please come and see the production. Just cut this Okie a break while I try to master the French dialect and presume to kill everyone on stage. 'nuff said? ;-)